Saison 2024/2025
Cours N1 (débutants)
Cours N2 (novices)
Cours N3 (intermédiaires)
Cours N1 (débutants)
Nom de la danse | Date |
ABL, Honky Tonk Line : Sur la Bachata | 12/09/2024 |
Toeing the Line Révision : ABL (Contra), Honky Tonk Line : Bones, Sur la Bachata | 19/09/2024 |
Lindi Shuffle Révision : ABL Contra, Honky Tonk, Toeing the Line Line : Sur la Bachata, Bones | 26/09/2024 |
Révisions : Honky Tonk, Lindi Shuffle Line : Ez to remember, Bones | 03/10/2024 |
A Bar Song Révision : Honky Tonk, Lindi Shuffle Line : Stand by Me, Ez to Remember | 10/10/2024 |
Heave Away Cotton Eyed Joe Révision : Honky Tonk, Lindi Shuffle, Toeing the Line Line : Stand by Me, Ez to Remember | 17/10/2024 |
Vacances | 24/10/2024 |
Vacances | 31/10/2024 |
Heave Away Révision : Lindi Shuffle, Cotton Eyed Joe, Honky Tonk Cotton Eyed Joe mixed Line : Stand by Me | 07/11/2024 |
A Bar Song Révision : Honky Tonk, Cotton Eyed Joe mixed Line : Stand by me, Ez to Remember | 14/11/2024 |
/ | 21/11/2024 |
Révisions : Heave Away, A Bar Song, Lindi Shuffle Line : Stand by me, Bones | 28/11/2024 |
Holly Jolly 2024 Révision : Heave Away, A Bar Song Line : Stand by Me, Bones | 05/12/2024 |
Hooked On Country Révision : Heave Away, A Bar Song, Holly Jolly 2024 Line : All I want for Christmas, Bones | 12/12/2024 |
Cowboy Madison Révision : Holly Jolly 2024, Hooked On Country Line : Last Christmas, Ez to Remember, Stand by me | 19/12/2024 |
Vacances | 26/12/2024 |
Vacances | 02/01/2025 |
Révisions : Heave Away, A Bar song Line : Pleaser | 09/01/2025 |
Révivions : Cowboy Madison, Heave Away Line: Pleaser, Stand by Me (cercle) | 16/01/2025 |
Pretty Please Révision : Heave Away, Hooked on Country, A Bar Song Line : Pleaser | 23/01/2025 |
AB Washed up in Austin Révision : Cowboy Madison, Pretty Please Line : Pleaser, Stand by Me (cercle) | 30/01/2025 |
Révisions | 06/02/2025 |
Vacances | 13/02/2025 |
Vacances | 20/02/2025 |
27/02/2025 | |
06/03/2025 | |
13/03/2025 | |
20/03/2025 | |
27/03/2025 | |
03/04/2025 | |
Vacances | 10/04/2025 |
Vacances | 17/04/2025 |
24/04/2025 | |
01/05/2025 | |
08/05/2025 | |
15/05/2025 | |
22/05/2025 | |
29/05/2025 | |
05/06/2025 | |
12/06/2025 | |
19/06/2025 | |
26/06/2025 |
Cours N2 (novices)
Nom de la danse | Date |
Texas Hold’Em | 12/09/2024 |
Me & You Révision : Texas Hold’Em | 19/09/2024 |
Calum’s Rise Révision : Texas Hold’Em | 26/09/2024 |
Highland Girl Révision : Calum’s Rise | 03/10/2024 |
Austin, Austin for 2 (Partner) Révision : Highland Girl | 10/10/2024 |
Austin for 2 Révision : Highland Girl | 17/10/2024 |
Vacances | 24/10/2024 |
Vacances | 31/10/2024 |
Révisions : Austin for 2, Highland Girl, Calum’s Rise | 07/11/2024 |
Sweet Home Yongzoo Révision : Austin for 2, Highland Girl, Calum’s Rise | 14/11/2024 |
/ | 21/11/2024 |
Belong Together Révision : Calum’s Rise, Highland Girl | 28/11/2024 |
Christmas Party Hop (Contra) Révision : Belong Together, Austin for 2 | 05/12/2024 |
Révisions : Calum’s Rise, Highland Girl, Austin for 2, Belong Together, Christmas Party Hop | 12/12/2024 |
Révisions : Me & You, Calum’s Rise, Austin for 2, Belong Together, Christmas Party Hop | 19/12/2024 |
Vacances | 26/12/2024 |
Vacances | 02/01/2025 |
Unhealthy | 09/01/2025 |
Unhealthy, Belong Together | 16/01/2025 |
Dear Ex Révision : Unhealthy, Belong Together | 23/01/2025 |
Révisions : Unhealthy, Dear Ex, Belong Together, Austin for 2 | 30/01/2025 |
06/02/2025 | |
Vacances | 13/02/2025 |
Vacances | 20/02/2025 |
27/02/2025 | |
06/03/2025 | |
13/03/2025 | |
20/03/2025 | |
27/03/2025 | |
03/04/2025 | |
Vacances | 10/04/2025 |
Vacances | 17/04/2025 |
24/04/2025 | |
01/05/2025 | |
08/05/2025 | |
15/05/2025 | |
22/05/2025 | |
29/05/2025 | |
05/06/2025 | |
12/06/2025 | |
19/06/2025 | |
26/06/2025 |
Cours N3 (intermédiaires)
Nom de la danse | Date |
Martha Divine, Sweet Ireland | 12/09/2024 |
Houdini Révision : Martha Divine, Sweet Ireland | 19/09/2024 |
Year of the Young | 26/09/2024 |
Rosa Révision : Year of the Young, Houdini | 03/10/2024 |
Broken Révision : Rosa | 10/10/2024 |
Révisions : Rosa, Year of the Young, Broken | 17/10/2024 |
Vacances | 24/10/2024 |
Vacances | 31/10/2024 |
Révisions : Broken, Year of the Young, Rosa | 07/11/2024 |
I Showed You the Door | 14/11/2024 |
/ | 21/11/2024 |
Révisions : I Showed You the Door, Rosa, Broken | 28/11/2024 |
I Wanna Try Everything | 05/12/2024 |
Révisions : I showed You the Door, I wanna Try Everything | 12/12/2024 |
Révisions : I Wanna Try Everything | 19/12/2024 |
Vacances | 26/12/2024 |
Vacances | 02/01/2025 |
/ | 09/01/2025 |
Hold my Horses Révision : I wanna Try Everything, I showed You the Door | 16/01/2025 |
Révisions : Hold My Horses, I wanna Try Everything, Year of the Young, Rosa | 23/01/2025 |
We Pray | 30/01/2025 |
06/02/2025 | |
Vacances | 13/02/2025 |
Vacances | 20/02/2025 |
27/02/2025 | |
06/03/2025 | |
13/03/2025 | |
20/03/2025 | |
27/03/2025 | |
03/04/2025 | |
Vacances | 10/04/2025 |
Vacances | 17/04/2025 |
24/04/2025 | |
01/05/2025 | |
08/05/2025 | |
15/05/2025 | |
22/05/2025 | |
29/05/2025 | |
05/06/2025 | |
12/06/2025 | |
19/06/2025 | |
26/06/2025 |